More information about us…?

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Based on an IBM Watson IoT platform, Access-IoT delivers a genuine 100 % ”end-to-end” PaaS IoT solution, adapted to the various market segments within the insurance sector and the municipality market.

Our solution within the sensor market primarily builds on SigmaDesign’s Z-Wave SDK. We are working under a 100 % transparent business model, supported by IBM’s Bluemix palette that we can offer as a separate service and that includes i.a. analytics.

Access-IoT is an IBM ESA partner. In terms of security, we are in control of everything from S2, TSL 1.1, to approvals via Pepper1. We have described how we deliver data from sensor, to gateway, to antenna, and then to our Watson IoT platform.

We only cooperate with the most professional certified partners, which constitutes an important factor in our Eco system. We are one team … – if you would like to hear more, then please send us an e-mail:


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